Thursday, January 15, 2009

Lessons from 1 Nephi 1:5

1 Nephi 1:5

* "Pray unto the Lord... with all [your] heart in behalf of [your children]."

Often we talk about the effects of a 14-year-old boy going into a grove to pray, but interestingly enough, the Book of Mormon is, in one respect, the record of what happened when a different man went to the Lord to pray.

I believe that, in a similar way, the future of our children may sometimes hinge on our willingness to earnestly approach the Lord in prayer. Sometimes the answers to those prayers will affect them directly, and sometimes it will be much more subtle, but our relationship with the Lord WILL affect our ability to be parents.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Actually, as a non-parenting tangent, I think it is interesting how many parallels there are between the experience of Joseph Smith and that of Lehi -- both prayed, saw a pillar of light (or fire), had a vision of the Father and the Son, were given a book, testified, were persecuted, etc.